Friday, May 19, 2006

Thank You

We want to thank all of you for your kind donations to St. Mary's Hospital. A darn nice cheque is going out to them shortly.

Shown here is the new proud owner Of Superman 52 and 652 as well as a copy of DC 52 - the new DC mini-series.

Making the presentation in a VERY rare photo of him, is Paul Stock, Motormouth, owner and CEO of ASTRO. (Paul is the one not holding the comics)

Friday, May 05, 2006

Magic the Gathering

If you are a Magic the Gathering player or collector, we have some cards up for sale from the new "Dissension" set our site. Just click on "what we sell" and then on the masterlist or the color you prefer. We are also selling lots more singles in the store as well as packs. Last, but not least, we have a Dual Land up for grabs on eBay too. Just click on "currently on ebay" and you are there!

Thanks for coming back!


I just finished reading...

Hi Everyone

I haven't had much to say lately (unusual for me) but now I want to share something with you. These days it is rare that I can sit down and read something from cover to cover in one sitting but to-day I did. On Wednsday (new comic day) I got a book in my reserves called "Dragonslippers" by Rosalind B. Penfold. It is about her experience in an abusive relationship that started when she was 35 years old. Funny how we always think that if we are older than 18 or 21 we think we have it all figured out and that we will be fine!

The book is well worth the read if you suspect you may be involved in an abusive relationship, if you are trying to help someone who is in one, or if you simply want to try to understand why anybody would stay in that kind of situation - including "I stayed because of the kids".

Remember that guys get involved in abusive relationships too and also need help seeing it sometimes. If you know one maybe give him a gift of the book. We still have at least one copy on sale at the store and can order more.

I never meant this blog to be used for a book review but I really feel that this book is worth a read!

Have a great day!