Sunday, December 13, 2009


I'm back with an update to my previous blog. Saturday Sam and Von dropped in for a visit and brought his graphic novel "The Road to Who Knows..." and just thrilled the heck out of me!

We actually started selling them very well from the first hour they were put out on the counter - no special display - just this really neat looking book with a catchy cover that made you want to pick it up and scan it. If you did that you were hooked! And if you did NOT do that but I was up front and started to tell you a bit about the book then you were absolutely hooked!!

Before Von left the store several hours later he had been interviewed by the Mirror and had to replenish my stock!! (no pun intended)

As stated in my previous blog, I am no good at reviews so here is a link to a great review of the book. I don't know if the link will be clickable so you might have to paste it to your browser but that will work fine too.

Remember though that this is not your run-of -the-mill type comic. It deals with a difficult topic (schizophrenia) in a very sensitive way. Please do read the review as it will give you a very good idea of what the graphic novel is about.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Betty,

Patrick (C-145) here.
I got the book yesterday evening and finished it this morning on the bus.

I could not put it down.

I am still reeling from the thing.

BTW, my brother is schizophrenic. I will have to read it again. A lot of emotions here. Very well done.

Have a great holiday season!!!


8:31 AM  

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