Thursday, June 15, 2006

DMZ #8 and other stuff

Just a quick note to let all of you who ordered DMZ from us that we WILL be getting it for sure next week. "Diamond regrets the error" No worries and keep smiling!

I finally got started reading my copy of Showcase: The Haunted Tank. I enjoyed the stories when I was a kid and they are still fun to read now. The black and white format is just fine because the story lines are great!

Anyone out there reading Civil War? Looking real good to me!

If anyone is reading manga, and if you buy from us (you should - our prices and selection are just great) then please be aware that Paul has been moving stuff around. The Manga is now in front of the cash and is much more comfortable to browse.

If you read regular trades then they are still in the spinners but there are a lot more of them out for sale above the bins.

Good reading everyone!


Blogger Von Allan said...

Good reading to you, too!

8:33 AM  

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